With the coming changes in employment law and the ongoing need to make sure you are attracting and retaining the right people, it’s important to make sure all aspects of the recruitment chain are working for you. One of these is the sometimes under-considered area of the candidate experience. Why Candidate Experience Matters Candidates not…
Read MoreQuiet quitting is a big talking point at the moment, but what is it really? Understanding what quiet quitting is—and distinguishing it from the output of a steady and reliable worker— could mean the difference between a happy, successful and productive team and one that is functional but lacklustre and just scraping by. Is There…
Read MoreUPDATE OCTOBER 2024 – ANNOUNCED CHANGES Since writing the article below many of these changes have been announced as coming into force. What is clear from the response by the Business Minister to questions from the FSB and other business concerns, is that getting the right people in the first place and having solid human…
Read MoreThere is a lot of talk in recruitment circles from employers at the moment about the changing attitudes in candidates. One of the reasons for these different job-seeking attitudes could well be that Gen Z candidates are very different to other generations. Generational Differences and Attitudes to Work Categorising people by generations is a very…
Read MoreIn areas such as accountancy and finance, where qualifications and experience are a high priority, soft skills can sometimes be in danger of being undervalued. However, they are a very important aspect of a successful work environment and help avoid the risk of a bad hire. Understanding Soft Skills What gets included in the list…
Read MoreSince the Pandemic hybrid working has become far more commonplace for many workers. In fact, some candidates now see WfH as standard practice and expect employers to offer it. The question we rarely ask though is whether WfH, and its companion hybrid working, are always a good thing.
Read MoreStay interviews have taken on new importance in the current employment landscape, and a lot of employers are starting to see the benefit of them. Done right, they can be a real contributing factor to increased retention and help you avoid a costly, and frustrating, bad hire. What is a stay interview? There seems to…
Read MoreA strong employer brand benefits company’s trying to attract top talent. It says who you are, it will enhance your organisation’s reputation and it also plays a rather important role in successful recruitment efforts. There are several strategies available to you that will help boost your employer brand and make sure you stand out in…
Read MoreThe thought of how to succeed and what needs changing to be successful becomes a main priority. Many take on a fresh perspective and renewed energy after a holiday break, creating a perfect opportunity to reassess career goals and objectives and the necessary adjustments needed to bring success in the coming months. This blog will…
Read MoreEmployers need to find the perfect candidate for a job, and candidates are eager to find a role that matches their career goals and expectations. Unfortunately, all too often, people feel let down and unsatisfied with their new positions because they turn out to be different from what they were sold during the interview process.…
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