CV workshops

As we are committed to helping the careers of senior finance professionals we are able to offer a selection of free one to one CV fine tuning services through a strategic partnering service with executive coaching firm RPK People.

This is a high level service that develops your CV and makes it as potent as possible. We are willing to pay for you to get a free 30 minute “message tuning” from our partnering consultants RPK People who are specialists in advising you on selling yourself whether it is on paper, in a sales pitch or job interview. They focus on the message you need to deliver and the format you need to deliver it in to secure that dream job.

RPK People will not try to sell you any other services and they anticipate everything can be achieved within the 30 minute review.

You will need to obtain a purchase order number from us so that they can invoice AFR Consulting for this service. If you are interested to see if you qualify for a free 30 minute CV consultation please email