Having worked with jobseekers in the accountancy recruitment sector for over 20 years I’ve seen candidates labelled as terrible by one employer then work out very well with another.
Just because someone didn’t perform well in one role, it doesn’t necessarily make them a poor candidate for the next.
Why does this happen in recruitment?
Successful recruitment relies on a number of factors and I believe there is a role out there to match everyone. Candidate credentials, fit to the organisation and suitability to a specific vacancy are all critical to success, but candidates must also be given the tools to succeed by the employer and recruiter before, during and after the selection and hiring process.
I think it’s vital that the risk of an appointment failing is managed at every stage of the process.
This begins with a clear job description and a realistic discussion about salary and career development potential. Be consistent during interview and screening with full transparency about the reality of the job to mitigate any surprises down the line.
It’s also important to avoid the temptation to recruit the best candidate on paper, ensuring instead that you get the best candidate for your specific vacancy.
Make sure expectations are aligned during the selection phase and discussions around salary and benefits are within acceptable parameters now and in the future, and be honest from the start.
Then deliver a clear induction process with structured objectives and feedback spread over set periods to ensure that any warning signs are addressed promptly and can be acted upon to minimise the risk of your candidate failing.
By Simon Speak
Director, AFR Consulting Financial Recruitment